Sunday, September 18, 2011


I just wanted to share some pictures of how I got asked to Homecoming and how I answered him back. I saw these on my way to school the other day (and heard about it all day long! :) haha)They were along the side of the road right by the school. :) So I answered him back with a T-shirt... I used Washable and permanent markers... I wrote a bunch of signs saying no in washable marker and I wrote one big YES! in permanent marker! :) Needless to say, I am going to Homecoming with David Borden! We are also Homecoming Royalty Nominees! We have to make a video or a power point of us with pictures and we will show it in the Queen's assembly. We have to include like 3 themes to get points and then the nominees are narrowed down to 3 couples according to our video points and then the students vote between those 3! Fun stuff! haha I kinda cant wait till it's all over because, like my mother I am really good at making little things into these HUGE STRESSFUL things. haha :) I'll try to put the video up when we get it done Love, Kala


Callin and Kristen said...

Looks like fun Mikala! Have a great time!

MOM & DAD said...

Are you kidding me??? You are stressing out about making a power point presentation when that t-shirt idea is the cutest thing I have ever seen??? You will ace this one!!! You have such an awesome sense of humor!! Now quit stressing!

Megan Gillette said...

Oh kala that is way awesome!! You will have a great time!!!