This is what I do at work all day... Not really. haha My new job at Randy Hansen is going well. I am finally caught up to where the previous receptionist left off and things are lagging a bit. I finish my tasks before I'm even halfway through with my work time and then I sit there and try not to die of boredom for the other 2 hours. I know what you're thinking, ask them if there's anything else you can do! The problem with that is that I dont WANT more to do! haha School is coming along well. I am really really enjoying all my classes except for english and that is mostly because I hate the teacher. I go back and forth on loving and hating spanish because I'm having such a hard time with it. I thought I was such a smartypants and moved into spanish 102 because the first days of 101 were painfully simple and it was simply AWFUL trying to listen to all the stupid people completely butcher the pronunciation. Thinking back on it I really should have stuck it out and really solidified my base because I'm trying to build on a shaky one and its not working out so well for me. haha I am taking psychology and I always thought it would be interesting, but I never knew I would love it so much! It is so interesting for me and I have an AMAZING professor! Guitar is going awesome... I think. haha I am learning and it is coming to me so much faster than piano ever did but probably only because I have the piano background. :) Volleyball is SO much fun. :) and I have been going to church! I went to the wrong ward last week and there were no cute boys... bummmerrrr. haha I am not so frustrated with my roommates lately. They are keeping pretty clean. Anyway, I thought I'd let you all know how I am doing! guinea pig is still alive and just as loud as ever!
and I cant wait to see you all soon!!!