Monday, August 3, 2009

26 weeks

Today I went for my 26 week check up and everything looked good. I love going to the doctor over here cause I learn so much about my baby at every one. Today during the ultra sound the doctor was checking the blood flow in the umbilical cord and the blood vessels. I actually saw my baby's blood flowing through the vessels. It was awesome. He looked good. Yes, it is still a he! The doctor said his head is big, I guess he gets that from his daddy, lolol but everything else looked good. He is the right length and his heart beat was 147. He didn't tell me his weight but he didn't comment on it either so i am taking that as a good sign. We didn't think we were going to get a 3d shot of him cause he had his butt to us but then he turned and we got a shot. Those are his hands in front of his chin. I'm not sure what I think of these 3d ultra sounds. Personally I think they are creepy but my doctor loves them and this is the only picture he gave me today.


Callin and Kristen said...

Holey Moley Natalie! You are cute, and brave! lol Baby looks good. I wish I got ultrasounds at every appointment! That would be awesome.

Stephanie said...

Natalie! That is awesome. Technology is unbelievable. I think it's neat and you look beautiful.

RJ, Shanna And Zach said...

Don't care what ya say, Natalie, pregnant ladies are beautiful! Little Jack looks like he's thinking real hard! What a cutie!

Natalie & Josh said...

Thanks for the compliments!!! As far as Jack goes all I can say is "oh look at him" lolol

Callin and Kristen said...

Hey, did you do your gestational diabetes test yet? I haven't been to the doctor for a while so I haven't done mine. It is really yucky though. Hopefully they have a better way to do it there! lol

Natalie & Josh said...
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Natalie & Josh said...

I don't know but I'm guessing not cause the only thing they do when I go is take blood and I pee in a cup. I didn't know there was a diabetes test! I should really read more! I sure hope they don't forget to give me the instruction manual when he is born! lolol