This is the people's backyard that we tp ed i really wish that u could have seen it when it was still in the trees but the dad came out and pulled down the tp then later raked it up so ya.
This is the side and agian he pulled it down.
This is a diagonal view.
This is the house we dum-dummed. Hey it looks like lil flowers. O an the family that lives here wasnt home and some one came an picked up the suckers and brought them to young womens. Wow that was awkward oops.Oh ya and the house that we tp ed was not even a block away from the police station so cop cars an other cars (because it was right on the main road) kept goin by. Oh boy we got them good you guys should hav seen it in the night it looked like a ghost town haha it was good. There well i finally put the pics on the blog like i have been tellin people so yep. Well i luv u all, Meg
Friday, April 20, 2007
Howdy just thought u should c wat we did
Posted by Megan Gillette at 7:44 PM