Saturday, January 3, 2009

Big Girls

Happy new year! We are doing well and enjoying all of our snow. In town the snow is all melting and out here, we have yet to see any dirt!
The girls are growing everyday it seems. During bath time I put conditioner in Darby's hair and Jakoby wanted a hat too. I thought it was funny and too cute! (Hope this doesn't offend anyone!) Darby cannot wait for school to start again, the Christmas break has been really hard on her, she loves school! She is doing so good and loves to learn and tell us all about her days.
Jakoby is so big! She is talking all of the time, and other people are starting to understand her, I don't have to interpret everything. She loves Dora, and wants to do everything Darby does. She doesn't like bugs, but has no problem picking them up and getting rid of them.
Az is doing good, we really love having him around. We recently brought home a dog that was dropped off at my in laws house. She is a mixed breed (mutt) and she is just a puppy. She has lots of energy, she loves to play with the snow, and she keeps Az running around. Her name is Nelly. We are still working out all of the kinks with a puppy that just wants some attention. She did attack one of my small trees and snapped all of the branches off. I wasn't impressed. Anyway, things are going well. Callin and I haven't gone to afternoon church in the 3 years that we have been married, and tomorrow we have afternoon church. We will adjust, just in time to switch back, I'm sure. Take care!


Stephanie said...

Kristen, your girls are so cute! I really enjoy being around your little family! Keep us posted!

Natalie & Josh said...

They are adorable! that's great that Darby loves school. I hated going when i was a kid. Actually I didn't enjoy school until high school and that was only because of the social life. hahah thanks for the post we love seeing pics of the kids!

MOM & DAD said...

those are some cute girls there and I am not one little bit prejudiced!!