Thursday, September 11, 2008


Yes, I know it has been forever since we posted.
Great that Josh and Natalie got safely to Germany! How exciting!!! Well here it is. All is well at RJ's & Shanna's. Zach got his braces off - whoo-hoo!! Retainer time. Zach started soccer last week, I praciced with him for 5 minutes yesterday, only to remember later that I haven't ran like that for years. Wow am I sore today - getting OLD. Zach has practice again today and a game on Saturday at 11am each week. Shanna has been at her new job for a few weeks now and says she loves it. From the class room to an eight hour sit down job. I say yuk. But she is having fun. I don't get to see very much of her, just like before so I guess thats also a part of this job too. She is starting on her next Masters Degree which will be in Counseling. More of the same I say taking care of (OPK) other peoples kids, yuk. She was telling me about a parent who had called her and complained that her son had too much homework, and she was "not getting the help she needed around the house to clean up".... for her most likley. "He comes home and his nose goes right into his books until bedtime" BLA BLA BLA. She just wants someone to clean up after her. That was a new one for Shanna who tells Zach to get to work on your homework and keep at it 'til its done, and "isn't there more?" I am still night shift as the ICU Nurse Manager. We are in a transition right now of going from three night nurses to having five. This year we have had a higher # of patients and need the help. I have been taking care of patients with crazy stuff going on with them, it's been awesome. Most recently I was called on a (CODE BLUE) which is what they call it when someone is either not breathing or their heart has stopped. I got to see one of our surgeons crack open this guy's chest and do an open heart massage. It was soooooo cool, his heart started to beat again, we sewed him up and sent him out on life flight. I have seen a lot this year. Stuff you don't get to see working as a Medical Surgical Nurse. I have truely been missing out on some cool stuff! Funnies of Nursing get better over the years though. I had a patient family member (daughter) get mad at me for something really stupid. We don't like our paients to have their urinals (a container for Men to pee in) on the bedside tables - just because it is nasty! This patient's daughter wanted us to keep it on his table, to which I replied "no." As she left him for the night she placed the urinal exactly where she wanted it - on his bedside table. As I entered his room some 10-15 minutes later I witnessed this 90yr+ patient taking a big swig from out of his urinal and setting it back onto his bedside table. YUK! I called the daughter and asked her if she had put his urinal on his bedside table? She said in a loud and resentful tone "YES and I want it left there!" I then continued to informed her that I had just caught her father drinking out of it. All I could hear on the other end was "OMG"!! "OMG"!! Then I could hear her start to gag. I simply said "thatss why we don't want the urinal on the bedside table." Sometimes life is just plain funny! Well, gotta go take Zach to soccer practice. Love to all!!! RJ, Shanna and Zach


RJ, Shanna And Zach said...

Did I forget to mention that this patient was confused. I think the Daughter was to. I wonder if she has a toilet on her table at home?
We never spoke again. Do ya think she's mad at me, or just feels stupid.

Stephanie said...

OMG, OMG, OMG! That is too funny! I've always enjoyed your funnies, R.J! You should begin writing them down, name it something sarcastic and funny! I'll help you edit it and "We'll" make a mint!

MOM & DAD said...

When I was a freshman in high school, I was a candy striper (that was a volunteer at the hospital for 3 hours after school, and yes, we wore red and white striped jumpers-----thus, the name candy-striper). Well, my very first day they told me to go around and fill the patients' water pictures with ice water. They didn't tell me the difference between a water picture and a urinal and YES, they did set both of them in that day and age, on the patient's bedside table. I walked in this one room where a guy was, his family sitting around talking to him, and picked up his urinal and filled it with ice water!! After all, it was the only thing on his table that resembled a water picture!!! I found out later what it was I had put ice water in and only then did I think of the strange looks everyone in that room gave me! (I wonder if they tested his urine? Wow, his temperature must have been very low to pee ice cubes!)